Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Post 11: Eagle Eye

My hand hurts. so not much typing.

Someone on Suite Life just said "Pwned" was weird.

I watched Eagle Eye for the first time. Now I'm even more freaked out and paranoid about the government using technology than I ever was before. And I was pretty freaked before. I mean, think about it. We, as citizens have pretty advanced stuff at our own disposal. Google Earth creeps me out a bit. and so does street view. And how can the general public have the best of the best? We can't. There has to be something much better that has been developed that we don't have access to.

Now that I'm done trying to unveil some government conspiracy...

Eagle Eye was a decent movie, and I liked it. But it doesn't make any frigging sense. Really.
I came up with about 5 really obvious examples, 1 of which I will go through, because its quite humorous:

><><><><>HERE BE SPOILERS<><><><><

1: The guy stands on a table, in plain sight, for a decent amount of time. He Shoots at the ceiling while attending the state of the union address, within feet of the president. And you're telling me that he was shot at 3 times by members of the secret service, and somehow he survived?????

Now, you can vainly attempt to defend this:
--He obviously was only shot in the arm or the leg, so he recovered. Duh.
To that I have a few words:
a) really? The secret service members, who are trained to protect the president, had 3 shots, and somehow, they were unable to hit him where it would kill him...really? Good Luck with that, Mr. President. =D
b)Also, in the movie, it actually seems pretty clear to me that he was shot once in the arm, not fatal. and twice in the back....pretty fatal, if you ask me.
--And, in addition, he has a sling later in the movie. His bandages and such are totally inconsistent with his wounds...

The movie would have made a ton more sense (and it would have been better, en mi opinion) if he died.

Well, I'm done talking about this movie now...I'll figure out more reasons why this movie hurts my head.

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